User Stories About Puppy 4.3.1
December 8, 2009 -
TonyZ: "I just downloaded v
4.3.1 to compare it to Ubuntu Netbook RM [Remix] 9.10 and I have to say that this may be one of the best distros I've ever used. Movies worked...MP3s worked...Network and Sound...everything worked. Automounting drive...ntfs..fat...usb...really great. I can't complement you enough.
.. thanks for your great work and I'm now a Puppy lover."
Comments (20) Added by raffy December 9, 2009 (6:30AM)
Compre uno consigue dos de Linux en Argentina
Puppy Linux Sale - Buy 1 Take 2
Nov 16, 2009 - From
Hi, i want to congratulate you for your creation, Puppy Linux is great in every way. I have been using it for some time now, and passing the word too. [I have been trying to sell Puppy at] a couple of sites like (the eBay of Latin America) and [Despite being suspended twice for selling Linux for very cheap, ] finally they let me post my ads. I still charge $1 for each sell, I honestly do not earn [from this], but I have had a great response. People are really interested in Linux, most of them in Ubuntu, but I always send a free copy of PuppyLinux, and everyone loves it. The good thing about Ubuntu is that it gets everyone excited to use Linux.. [The] good thing about Puppy is that it is so easy to use, so they buy from me Ubuntu Linux, and I send Puppy and Ubuntu Linux! OK, that's my little grain of sand for the Linux world, am not a programmer, just an illustrator/graphic designer.
Note: Some Spanish Puppy Linux:
Molinux Zero
Comments (2) Added by raffy November 17, 2009 (8:59PM)
Distrowatch - What is a good Linux distro for older hardware?
Oct 26, 2009 - To the question "What distribution would you recommend for older, low-specification hardware?", Jesse Smith lists, from large to small:
- Slax
- Puppy
- Damn Small
Jesse added:
"Puppy Linux is a really easy-to-use mini-Linux which does a fine job of balancing performance with ease of use. Chances are if you're new to Linux in general, the user interface of Puppy will put you at ease. I used to shy away from recommending this distro because it didn't really handle multiple user accounts, but I understand this has been improved upon recently."
See this week's Q&A of Distrowatch Weekly.
Comments (0) Added by raffy October 26, 2009 (5:28PM)
XOpup development starts
Oct 23, 2009 - Puppy Linux developer ttuuxxx just received 2 units of the XO-1 laptops for the development of XOpup (puplet for the XO-1).
".. I received the 2X laptops today, They are the current model, I did specifically ask for the next generation or prototype, the reason is that, if this takes like 6 months [like 2.14X did], then once it's finished it could be useless. Also the power adapters are North American.. so I have to go out and buy 2x 12V adapters." - see the
Forum for the full post.
According to Forum member mavrothal, as many as 1 million XO users can benefit from the expected snappy XOpup.
ttuuxxx has successfully updated Puppy Linux 214R, a special puplet built by Forum members pakt and dougal using Puppy Linux version 2.14 which, in turn, was based on Linux kernel version 2.6.18. Called
214X, ttuuxxx's puplet sports new libraries and Firefox 3.5.
ttuuxxx helped a lot in the development of Puppy Linux CE 4.2 and, since the release of 4.2CE, has ben releasing a Firefox version of Puppy Linux that he called "
Puppies". Look
here for Puppies 4.2.1 and
there for Puppies 4.3.1.
Comments (2) Added by raffy October 24, 2009 (2:32AM)
Puppy Linux 4.30 Tutorial from GALLUG Event, Novara, Italy
Here's news from the future. :D
Alex Gotev (see news about his
Novara project) will show how to install Puppy Linux on USB Flash Disk using presentations in
Italian and in
The event is LINUX DAY 09 - October 24, 2009 - at Novara, Italy.
Comments (0) Added by raffy October 14, 2009 (9:18PM)
Puppy Linux for Safe Internet Banking - Australian Detective
"If you are using the internet for a commercial transaction, use a Linux boot up disk - such as Ubuntu or some of the other flavours. Puppylinux is a nice small distribution that boots up fairly quickly.
"It gives you an operating system which is perfectly clean and operates only in the memory of the computer and is a perfectly safe way of doing internet banking," van der Graaf said.
Comments (2) Added by raffy October 9, 2009 (5:52PM)
Puppy Linux in School Lab at Novara, Italy
The New Computer Lab (At Novara)
La novità principale è l'adozione di un sistema operativo Linux, che sostituirà l'ormai datato e non aggiornabile Windows 98.
(The main innovation is the adoption of a Linux operating system, which will replace the outdated and not updated Windows 98.)
Visit the school website:
Comments (5) Added by raffy October 6, 2009 (4:48AM)
Puppy Linux 4.4CE Development Starts
September 23, 2009 - Five days after the release of version 4.3, the development of the next version, 4.4CE, has started. This will be a community edition that follows every official release since version 4.1. The last community edition was 4.2CE (already updated to 4.2.1).

Brad (Technosaurus in the Forum) has accepted the challenge of leading 4.4CE. Brad is a young engineer-manager with a second degree in Computer Science. His first project as Puppy Linux enthusiast is the Puppy Desktop. He has also written a howto in PET packaging for Puppy. Lately, he has been compiling small applications for Puppy Linux. Brad lives and works in the Central United States.
Warren Wilson, Barry's fellow Australian, was the leader of 4.2CE.
See the related discussion of 4.4CE.
Update: New Bug Tracker and Code Repository
Comments (3) Added by raffy September 29, 2009 (9:11AM)
The Puppy Linux Community
The Puppy Linux Community was started by Puppy Linux creator Barry Kauler when he put his work online on June 18, 2003.
Barry's site that was initially at is now at with the gray Puppy logo. Click on the logo below to view Barry's site.
The old website is still online, but it now contains EVE, Barry's Embedded Vector Editor, and some personal information about Barry. Click on the logo below to view Barry's site for EVE.
The small community started a forum and then a community site. These are now the Forum and Click on the icons below to visit the sites.
 Main Forum |
 Main Site |
From the main community site, the news and wikka wiki can be accessed. There are also links to the Forum and Barry's blog and download pages. Click on the icons below to visit the wiki and news sites.
 Wikka Wiki |
 News and Archives |
Comments (0) Added by raffy July 19, 2009 (4:00AM)