Nov 10, 2009 - Puppy-4.2.1-MULTIUSER.iso revision 3 is available!
Added by raffy November 10, 2009 (3:00PM)
Jaypaw549 on April 17, 2010 (10:23PM)
Can you install it on the hard drive first?
Ans: Try this.
varmint on February 20, 2010 (10:27PM)
Got Multi-User 4.2.1.r3 up and running and all seems well so far.I've noticed that when first booted, it is wise to reset the root password before doing anything else. I rebooted afterword into root, and added users for normal use.Once that was done I rebooted back into root with my new password and made some changes to the widgets, added firepup and a "noscript" plugin. I also changed to my preffered wallpaper and global font size. After rebooting again into regular user mode, I made whatever changes I wanted for that, too. Again, changing the4 root password right out of the box will save you grief later. This is really nice. Thanks for another great puppy!
samsocal on January 6, 2010 (3:27AM)
Awesome! Now I can finally introduce my kids to Puppy! Keep up the great work!
raffy on December 9, 2009 (9:15PM)
Pizzasgood wrote a howto in building multisession Puppy. You can apply these to an SMP-enabled puplet, like fatdog, ultrapup or g_pup (go search the Forum).
Mike Hiltz on December 8, 2009 (7:32PM)
need an SMP multiuser and my life would be complete
[email protected]
raffy on November 24, 2009 (5:09PM)
"Puppies" is already used by ttuuxxx for Firefox builds of Puppy. See here.
Andreas on November 22, 2009 (10:03PM)
"" Will it be given a new name, or do we just call it "Multiuser Puppy"?""
How about simply "Puppies" :)
arc on November 12, 2009 (5:06PM)
Good move :) Does this mean it would make sense to add sshd and nfs?
reckrhodes on November 12, 2009 (6:55AM)
this puppy linux is great. my root files will be safe from other user of my computer.
C. Arnold on October 25, 2009 (10:41PM)
I admit I haven't looked far, but this was the first confirmation I'd seen that the *regular* puppy is indeed run only as root. I think that point should be made obvious somewhere. I installed 4.1.2 and thought something had gone wrong 'cause I couldn't see an easy way to add other users.
EmuDan on October 17, 2009 (10:57AM)
Wonderful! I can't wait to try this puppy out!! Will it be given a new name, or do we just call it "Multiuser Puppy"?
tozers on October 8, 2009 (7:28AM)
It should be nice to have it added to the Woof as an optional setup. The Woof is going to open the doors of freedon allowing anyone who wants to create its own Linux, with its own options and tweaks automatically. Thanks Puppy comunity!
Jonathan on October 6, 2009 (8:30PM)
Awesome! I think Ill give this version a go... That was one of my pet peeves of using puppy linux which was it being run as root all the time....
Anony on May 23, 2010 (4:26AM)
puppy-4.2.1-MULTIUSER-r3.iso Fails, reason missing files.
You'll have to take the long route and use the instructions to create your own multi-user puppy. Suck job.