Old Kernel of Version 4.31 for New Lucid Puppy 5.25

May 11, 2011 - James C has created Lucid 525 Retro- - it is the new Lucid Puppy 5.25 that has the kernel of Puppy Linux 4.31. It is good for users of version 4.31 who like to have the new tricks of Lucid Puppy 525. See the forum announcement, with James C's description, "This should provide all the hardware compatibility (and extra drivers) and stability from Puppy 4.31 combined with all of the new up-to-date applications from Lucid 525".

Download the ISO:lupu-525-, 130 MB, md5sum = f9dbe43414b605c921ada5263d27a316.

Extra drivers are available in the Murga Forum, thanks to Tempestuous.

NOTE: Barry Kauler builds Wary with long-term-supported kernel and wide collection of device drivers. SFS4 files are used starting with Puppy Linux 4.3.

Added by raffy May 11, 2011 (6:00PM)

hpfn on November 20, 2011 (7:30AM)

same error: *.sys not found.

thanks anyway.

hpfn on November 13, 2011 (12:12PM)

any chances to have a retro version? I am running puppy 4 with kernel on a thinkpad 600e andlupu-525- doesn't load.

thanks for puppy distro!

Try Wary Puppy.

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