New puplet Puppy Crypt 4.3 with OpenOffice, Skype, VLC and TrueCrypt

Puppy Crypt based on Puppy Linux 4.3 - 357 MB

Puppy Crypt screenshot

MD5sum d204db7f51517ab20a8e392572235afe


  • OpenOffice 3.1 (dictionary: EN, IT, ES, PO, DE, FR) - office suite with "Sun PDF Import Extension"
  • Skype 2.0 - internet telephony
  • Vlc 0.8.6 - media player with audio and video codecs
  • TrueCrypt (volume mounted in "mnt", with Desktop link) - create a virtual encrypted disk
  • GtkHash - create hash from files or text (MD5, SHA1, ...)
  • Bcrypt GUI - a GUI tool to encrypt files
  • Figaro's Password Manager
  • SeaMonkey - browser web
Older versions at Puppy Crypt's home.

Added by rollobix May 30, 2010 (3:50PM)

Hybaskis on June 14, 2010 (3:21PM)

Cool :-)

rollobix on June 14, 2010 (4:29AM)

Grazie a te! Hasta luego!

ramon hernandez on June 9, 2010 (12:24AM)

programa perfecto para el trabajo, mil gracias por tu esfuerzo, felicidades a todos con el esfuerzo de linux con todos..

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