Puppy Linux 4.4 Testing in Progress

April 20, 2010 - Technosaurus has announced the first 4.4 alpha in the Forum.

The pre-release versions of the 4.4 CE are for testing and comments. Many programs have been updated and recompiled by Technosaurus and the team, and they request you to please report any unusable or otherwise annoying changes that you encounter.

The pup44-a1 iso is available here.

The bug tracker is here.

Added by admin April 20, 2010 (6:20AM)

sam on April 25, 2010 (1:18PM)

Does 4.4 haye modem card support like the other puppies? also why not simply install the whole 4.4 cd to hd like mepis does?!!!

Ans: The Forum discussion URL is here (please ask questions and give your suggestions here).

sam on April 24, 2010 (8:10AM)

Does this one stay installed on the hd in case of power failure?

Ans: Once installed to HD, it stays there. :) If you mean "power failure can corrupt HD install", a frugal install (that uses pup_save.2fs) can be corrupted by sudden power outage, so just reboot with "pfix=ram" in Puppy (or use another OS) and delete or rename pup_save.2fs.

walter on April 23, 2010 (11:30AM)

Stardust ROCK !
The best one
Walter -usa

Valter on April 8, 2010 (9:19AM)

I have tried several versions of puppy and for several days and nights, this is the first one to connect my new generation laptop wireless to the internet. Keep up the good work. Thanks very very much from Italian Puppy fun!

Oscar on March 23, 2010 (12:08AM)

Stardust 4.3.1 was excellent & I have chosen it to replace Windows over other Linux distributions.

Regarding 43.2...

- the edit tray icon in desktop of the control panel did not raise the edit.

- the large splash screen regarding desktop icons being loaded detracts from the otherwise pleasant experience

- the presentation of user files was better in 4.3.1

Too much tweaking of the seemingly near perfect 4.3.1 may not be a good thing!

Barmcake on March 14, 2010 (11:51AM)

I have tried several versions of puppy and this is the 1st one to connect my 10 year old laptop wireless to the internet. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

IvanSampa on March 8, 2010 (11:27AM)

+ video in youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U294KxrqS7M
:) :) edited by IvanSampa .

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