Dpup Offers New Tricks - A Debian Puppy!

January 25, 2010 - dPup, Debian-based Puppy is now in 484 beta4.

dpup desktop

Feature List:

* Firefox 3.6 with Flash Player 10 and Chatzilla.
* First Boot Wizard.
* Visual Control Panel (Desktop Icon).
* Mplayer media player.
* Custom music player (BMP-based on xmms).
* Screensaver with quickstart tray button.
* Gparted 0.4.8 and file system support for ext4.
* Wallpaper setting with preview.
* Laptop Webcam Viewer.
* StreamIt 1.0 Video Streaming client.
* Parcellite clipboard utility.
* Transmission BitTorrent Client.
* Putty SSH Client.
* Remote Desktop Client (rdp).
* VNC Client.
* Drec 2.1 Desktop Recorder.
* Quick Screenshot utility with tray button.
* Load/Eject CD/DVD by tray button.
* GtkLP Printer Management.
* Native installer for Debian/Ubuntu deb files.
* Xarchive with support for xz.
* LX Task Manager.
* Pburn 3.1.8 CD/DVD burning application.
* Abiword 2.8.1/Gnumeric office applications.
* Rox context menu MD5sum text file creation.
* Graphical Shutdown Wizard.
* Latest updates to core Puppy Applications.
* Complete backend upgrade and gcc-4.4.2 devx

Plus much more...and of course that Puppy Linux feeling.

Download from here.

Added by admin January 26, 2010 (12:22PM)

Eric on June 11, 2010 (3:21PM)

Since Dpup is in fact Debian based I trust that this also mean that a person can use Synaptic. Correct? (A real contender for Antix is that is the case)

Lord_Aganus on May 25, 2010 (9:21AM)

I have tried about 10 of Puppy, and I found this remaster the best.
But, I hope you don't mind some complaint, the font in some pet is very small, e.g. Pburn, XaraLx.
And it doesn't improve even I changed the monitor to 800 x 600.
Please let me know how to change these fonts.

Thank you.

Jean on March 1, 2010 (8:05PM)

A good selection of packages. Grub 1.96 works in dpup whereas Grub 0.97 does not in Puppy. However, Firefox in dpup stalls often just like SeaMonkey in Puppy.

Paul on February 28, 2010 (10:16PM)

Linux Mint8 and Puppy Linux are the two best distros. I hope support for DivX and Midi (a player and a sequencer that easily use the built-in synthesizers of SoundBlaster cards) will come. Dpup has a nice set of additional features. Congratulations and thanks to all involved with Puppy.

tony on February 26, 2010 (8:00AM)

Wine 1.1.29 and 1.1.38 incorrectly display about an half of russian characters (??? instead). Original Puppy 4.3.1 works correctly with the versions of Wine.

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