News about Puppy Linux can be found in many places and even when provided by the Puppy community. The latest should now be found at this site but older news can be quite useful and so here is a list of some other places that older/other news can be found.
Puppy's founder, Barry, has done well in keeping us up-to-date on news from his perspective and is mostly related to development:
The Puppy community has maintained news pages in the original wiki.
Another good place to keep up on things is the main forum and specifically the announcements section
Added by JRey August 21, 2009 (1:14PM)
JRey on August 28, 2009 (8:12AM)
Like I said above "The latest should now be found at this site" and so the goal is for all future Puppy-related news provided by someone besides the original developer (Barry) be listed on this site from now on. I've linked to the main places that past news can be found since they are going to stay there and are still helpful.
If you click on the categories at the very top of the screen it should only give you news relevant to the category you select. They can and may be changed if needed.
The Puppy community (including developers) is composed of volunteers and so organization and coordination always has fluctuated.
This site has only been live since July 15, 2009....
Fishback on August 25, 2009 (12:15PM)
It would be extremely helpful if the Puppy developers would choose one site for posting general news and development reports.
It would also be helpful if Puplets and Puplet news was separated from official releases & news. I'm sure the talented individuals who compile the many puplets are proud of their work - but let's face it - the vast majority of people are interested only in the official releases.
Currently, there are several domains used by, or apparently embraced by, Puppy's developers:
Mixed in all these pages are the wiki, Barry's Blog and (seemingly) several places where news is posted - with puplet news getting equal billing to official news. The end result is that non-developers quickly find that poking around the various pockets of info is frustrating and usually fruitless. So, the forum on is the only place most people visit for information and news.
The one web page that stands out is, created by CrustyLobster. That page is well thought out, organized and information is easy to find. CrustyLobster obviously put a lot of time, thought and effort into building that site. Even though much of the static content has not been updated since the 2.xx series, the site is still very, very helpful. I wish I had found that page when I started with Puppy.
For the sake of the thousands of average users, please organize the official news and information. I suggest embracing CrustyLobster's site, or his site organization
charlie on August 28, 2009 (6:58PM)
i love this little distro if you could make it easier to conneowct with wireless and maybe a comic book reader that would be fantastic. keep up the good work